Descubra nuestros cursos
Cybersecurity with Python
14 HorasROS for Mobile Robots using Python
21 HorasProgramación Python
28 HorasPython Avanzado
28 HorasPython Programming Fundamentals
14 HorasPython in Data Science
35 HorasPrueba unitaria con Python
21 HorasProgramación Python para Finanzas
35 HorasApplied AI from Scratch in Python
28 HorasPython para Excel
14 HorasPython for Matlab Users
14 HorasPython for Data Analysis
28 HorasAdvanced Python - 1 Day
7 HorasWeb Scraping with Python
7 HorasConstruyendo Chatbots en Python
21 HorasGPU Programming with CUDA and Python
14 HorasData Mining with Python
14 HorasPython for Network Engineers
14 HorasBackend Development with Python
35 HorasVisión por computadora con Python
14 HorasPython Security
14 HorasTableau con Python
14 HorasResumen de texto con Python
14 HorasGame Development with PyGame
7 HorasAdvanced Flask
14 HorasÚltima Actualización:
El hecho de tener ejercicios más prácticos utilizando datos más similares a los que utilizamos en nuestros proyectos (imágenes de satélite en formato raster)
Matthieu - CS Group
Curso - Scaling Data Analysis with Python and Dask
Traducción Automática
Muy interactivo con varios ejemplos, con una buena progresión en complejidad entre el inicio y el final de la formación.
Jenny - Andheo
Curso - GPU Programming with CUDA and Python
Traducción Automática
I thought the trainer was very knowledgeable and answered questions with confidence to clarify understanding.
Jenna - TCMT
Curso - Machine Learning with Python – 2 Days
Very good preparation and expertise of a trainer, perfect communication in English. The course was practical (exercises + sharing examples of use cases)
Monika - Procter & Gamble Polska Sp. z o.o.
Curso - Developing APIs with Python and FastAPI
It was a though course as we had to cover a lot in a short time frame. Our trainer knew a lot about the subject and delivered the content to address our requirements. It was lots of content to learn but our trainer was helpful and encouraging. He answered all our questions with good detail and we feel that we learned a lot. Exercises were well prepared and tasks were tailored accordingly to our needs. I enjoyed this course
Bozena Stansfield - New College Durham
Curso - Build REST APIs with Python and Flask
Los ejercicios fueron agradables
Vyshnavi Iyappan - Red Embedded Consulting Sp. z o.o.
Curso - Unit Testing with Python
Traducción Automática
The explaination
Wei Yang Teo - Ministry of Defence, Singapore
Curso - Machine Learning with Python – 4 Days
Very hands-on practice, engaging and good amount of breaks in between. Thus did not feel tired/lethargic.
Charles Lim - Ministry of Defence, Singapore
Curso - Python for Data Analysis
Many different examples and topics has been covered, from basic investigation to login management and dynamic page management.
Daniele Tagliaferro - Creditsafe Italia Srl
Curso - Web Scraping with Python
The trainer has deep knowledge about the subject and was able to answer all of our questions.
Lefteris Spatharakis - Sioufas & Associates Law Firm
Curso - Django CMS for Developers
Trainer was very knowlegable and very open to feedback on what pace to go through the content and the topics we covered. I gained alot from the training and feel like I now have a good grasp of image manipulation and some techniques for building a good training set for an image classification problem.
Anthea King - WesCEF
Curso - Computer Vision with Python
Trainer was accommodative. And actually quite encouraging for me to take up the course.
Grace Goh - DBS Bank Ltd
Curso - Python in Data Science
Subject presentation knowledge timing
Aly Saleh - FAB banak Egypt
Curso - Introduction to Data Science and AI (using Python)
Trainer develops training based on participant's pace
Farris Chua
Curso - Data Analysis in Python using Pandas and Numpy
The trainer was a professional in the subject field and related theory with application excellently
Fahad Malalla - Tatweer Petroleum
Curso - Applied AI from Scratch in Python
The trainer was great! If he would have more time I think we could have learned a lot more.
Zarim Jei Serrano - Cloudstaff Philippines, Inc.
Curso - Python Programming Fundamentals
1:1 very intensive but learnt a lot.
Karen Dyke - BT
Curso - Python: Automate the Boring Stuff
The trainer was excellent, He was always ready to answer my questions and share as much knowledge as he could.
Fahad Malalla - Tatweer Petroleum
Curso - Advanced Python
I mostly enjoyed everything.
Thukten Dendup - Bhutan Telecom
Curso - Web Development with Django
In-depth coverage of machine learning topics, particularly neural networks. Demystified a lot of the topic.
Sacha Nandlall
Curso - Python for Advanced Machine Learning
I did like the exercises.
Office for National Statistics
Curso - Natural Language Processing with Python
As I was the only participant the training could be adapted to my needs.
Curso - Web Development with Web2Py
I preferred the exercise and learning about the nooks and crannies of Python.