Course Outline

Excel Object Model

  • The protection sheet from VBA
  • Object Workbook, Workbooks collection
  • Worksheet Object, Collection Worksheets
  • Validation sheets
  • Practical methods of the Range object
  • Copy, paste, paste special
  • Property CurrentRegion
  • Find, replace
  • Sorting ranges
  • Charts (Object Chart)


  • Application-level events


  • Dynamic arrays
  • Table arrays Variant
  • Optimizing arrays and memory
  • Multi-dimensional arrays

Object-Oriented Programming

  • Classes and Objects
  • Creating classes
  • Creating and Destroying Objects
  • Create methods
  • Create property
  • Validation data using property
  • The default properties and methods
  • Error handling in the class module

Create and manage collections

  • Create a collection
  • Adding and removing items
  • References to the components (using a key and an index)

Advanced structures and functions VBA

  • Passing parameters by value and reference (ByRef and ByVal)
  • Procedures with a variable number of parameters
  • Optional Parameters and Defaults
  • Procedures of unknown number of parameters (ParamArray)
  • Enumeration, convenient parameter passing
  • Type the user (User-defined Type)
  • Service Null, Nothing, empty string "", Empty, 0
  • Type conversion (Conversion)

File Operations

  • Opening and closing text files
  • Reading and writing text and binary data
  • Processing of records in the CSV file
  • Efficient processing of text files

Use VBA functions in other applications


  • Create your own add-ons
  • Create a toolbar for addition
  • Installing your own add-ons and their protection

Using external libraries

Connecting to external databases (ODBC, OLEDB)

 14 Hours

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